Some quick tips for training in the summer. Nothing Fancy but stuff we all need to remember.
- If you are training outdoors make sure to stay hydrated. With the Summer heat you will sweat more and lose more water. Even when swimming you can sweat so don't forget to drink plenty of water. One of the things I like to do is go back and forth between a Sports drink and water. This will help with some extra vitamins and electrolytes while not overdoing the sugar.
- With all the BBQ's going remember not to over do the burgers and dogs. There are still plenty of healthy grilling alternatives. Most people will have at the least some sort of grilled chicken and a good skewer is not all that hard to find too. Grilled vegetables are always a good choice o fill you up as well
- Mix it up a bit with your training. The great thing about Summer is you can do so much outdoors. One thing I like to add to my routine is a long walk with my 2 year old daughter. I put her in the stroller and go. She gets some good outside time with me and I will get in a good hour walk. Not the biggest addition but every little bit counts. Swimming is also a great whole body workout when done properly. Biking, Rollerblading, Running and so many more.Get outside and enjoy!
- Be aware of your body temperature. Many people forget to listen to their body with the heat and try to push through when they should rest. Just like hydration you will need to make sure you do not over heat. If you feel to hot or a little sick, stop what you are doing and take a break.
- The last bit of advise is simple, HAVE FUN! Summer comes and goes way to fast so enjoy it. If you get a nice day go out and take advantage of it. You never know what tomorrow will bring so enjoy today.
So there are 5 Tips I thought might help a bit. Now go enjoy your summer. :)